
Showing posts from May, 2019

Medicines and its name/usage

What is medicine? These are the chemicals used for treating diseases and reducing suffering from pain.Below are given different types of medicines,what we call them and for what they are used for. ☆ Medicines                  Usage                           Examples ■ Anagesics                                             Reduce Pain                                        Aspirin ■  Transqualisers                                   Treat stress                                         Equanil ■ Antiseptic                                             Prevent growth of microbes           Dettol ■ Antibiotic                                             Destroy pathogens                             Penicillin ■ Antimalaria                                         Cure Malaria                                       Chloroquine ■ Antacids                                               Reduce acidity                                     Baking Soda Want to purchase medicine purchase from below and

Price setting:Business study

Price Setting How to fix price? There are four different approaches to setting a price. You may wish to consider a combination of these in accessing fee levels. Based on Competitors price. Taking all manufacturing cost plus profit margin. Develop your price and see how market responds. Then adjust accordingly. Value based fee- in relation to the value deliver(I would suggest this.) I heard a wonderful story about how to decide what price to charge. Two shrewed brothers ran a company which provides audiovisual equipments. Whenever a quotation was required for a customer, each brother go in separate office calculate the quotation and his justification for the price. Both brothers than meetup and compare prices and their justification. They would charge the higher price using the justification provided by the brother with the higher price. Abridged WHY DO SMART PEOPLE MAKE SUCH STUPID MISTAKES?


Glass An amorphous solid or super cooled liquid,  mainly contains Silica SiO2. Different coloues of glass and its constituent •Red Glass : SiO2+CuO •Ruby Red : SiO2+AuCl3 •Brown Glass : SiO2+Fe2O3 •Green Glass : SiO2+Cr2O3 •Blue Glass : SiO2+CoO These are some main colours of glass and its different constituents. If you have any doubt tell me in comment section.

Best search engines

Best Search Engines For You Search Engines are site where we can find directory of websites. Most famous among them are: Google It is the most used search engines in the world. Google comes in 1st rank in usage.    Yahoo   It comes on.... Well I also don't know but it is also a good search engine that you can try other than google. Bing It is developed by It already set as default in Internet Explorer. Ask It is similar to google it's search algorithm are similar to google. MSN It is famous search engine in UK. In it's homepage it tell news around us If you want more than paste "Search engine sites "  on google.

How youtube is free and its bussiness modal?

                   How youtube is free? As you all know youtube is free to watch but how? And why netflix are not? So I have the answer. Here it is. Youtube is providing content free because it earns through ads. Yes, the ads you see between the video. Ad company give youtube money to play their ad between videos. The money that ad company give to youtube, 45% of that youtube keeps and 55% gives to creators. This is why creators are uploading contents on youtube.  This is how the Google and Google's free services earn. How creators get paid

Some important fuels and their composition

Some important fuels and their composition Water gas - CO+H 2 Producer Gas - CO+N Coal gas - H 2 +CH 4 +C 2 H 4 +C 2 H 2 +CO+N 2 Natural gas - CH 4 +C 2 H 6 LPG - C 4 H 10 +C 3 H 8 CNG - CH 4 Biogas - CH 4 +CO 2 +H 2 +N 2 Source:Books

Avengers Endgame Plot and overview

Avengers Endgame Plot And Overview Twenty-three days after  Thanos  used the  Infinity Gauntlet  to disintegrate half of all life in the universe, [N 1]   Carol Danvers  rescues  Tony Stark  and  Nebula  from deep space and returns them to Earth. They reunite with the remaining  Avengers — Bruce Banner ,  Steve Rogers ,  Rocket ,  Thor ,  Natasha Romanoff , and  James Rhodes —and find Thanos on an uninhabited planet. They plan to retake and use the  Infinity Stones  to reverse the disintegrations, but Thanos reveals he destroyed them to prevent further use. An enraged Thor decapitates Thanos. Five years later,  Scott Lang  escapes from the  quantum realm . [N 2]  He travels to the Avengers' compound, where he explains to Romanoff and Rogers that he experienced only five hours while trapped. Theorizing the quantum realm could allow  time travel , the three ask Stark to help them retrieve the Stones from the past to reverse Thanos' actions in the present, but Stark refuses to h

Why energy is required to break bonds ?

Why energy is required to break bond? Hello friends in today's blog I will tell you about " Why energy is required to break bond? " If you don't read blog about why energy is released  when bonds are formed? See it  here Now,lets talk about our topic. In the    previous blog.  I have tell you why bond making release energy. Bond is like a force that hold electron together to move electron we have to give them energy. Cause to move a body we have to expend some energy on it. If you have any doubts let me know in comment section.

परहित-सरस-धरम-नहि-भाई | Essay on Parhit Dharam Saras Nhi Bhai | हिंदी में निबंध | Ansamtech

रामचरित मानस की एक लाइन है, 'परहित सरिस धर्म नहिं भाई।' आम आदमी को धर्म का मर्म सरल ढंग से समझाने के लिए मानस की चौपाई की यह अर्धाली बहुत ही उपयुक्त है। सार यह है कि दूसरों की भलाई करने जैसा कोई दूसरा धर्म नहीं है। सभी धर्म की सभी परिभाषाओं और व्याख्याओं का निचोड़ है अच्छा बनना और अच्छा करना। और दूसरों की भलाई करना तो निस्संदेह अच्छा करना है। सभी मजहबों ने एकमत होकर जिस बात पर जोर दिया है, वह है मानवता की सेवा यानी 'सर्वभूत हितेरता' होना। भूखे को भोजन कराना, वस्त्रहीनों को वस्त्र देना, बीमार लोगों की देखभाल करना, भटकों को सही मार्ग पर लगाना आदि धर्म का पालन करना है, क्योंकि धर्म वह शाश्वत तत्व है जो सर्व कल्याणकारी है। ईश्वर ने स्वयं यह प्रकृति ऐसी रची है कि जिसमें अनेकचेतन और जड़ जीव इसी धर्म (परहित) के पालन में लगे रहते हैं। संत विटप सरिता, गिरि धरनी। पर हित हेतु सबन्ह कै करनी।। संत जन भी लोक मंगल के लिए कार्य करते हैं। नदियां लोक कल्याण के लिए अपना जल बहाती हैं, वृक्ष दूसरों को अपनी छाया और फल देते हैं, बादल वसुन्धरा पर जनहित में पानी बरसाते हैं। इसी प्रकार सत्पुरुष

Why energy is liberated in bonding?

Why energy is liberated in bonding? So here is the reason: When 2 electrons make bond they stop at a position. Before making a bond they are revolving but when they stop the energy they have is liberated. So it is reason why energy is given out when electrons make bond. *this is true somewhat, It is my own idea. This can be useful to teach students. Why energy is liberated? If you have any query let me know in comments.

Why Variable is always taken as positive?

I think all of you have question why we use x as variable not "-x"? So after researching all night I found the answer, so here it is. If we take +ve sign with variable we find real sign of the answer l. For e.g.  +(+ve)=+ve +(-ve)=-ve Here if sign of x is negative -ve then answers sign or operation us changed. If we use - sign then we gave to reverse the sign of answer also. For e.g. 2+__ =3 1. If value be x then   2+x=3,   x=1 2. If value is -x  2-x=3  x=-1. HOPE ALL OF YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD IF HAVE ANY DOUBT TELL IN COMMENT SECTION.