
Showing posts from August, 2020


  The nature and origin of Oumuamua, the first known visitor from another solar system, have become more mysterious after scientists claim to have ruled out a major explanation. Researchers had suggested earlier this year that the origins and molecular structure of Oumuamua could be explained by it being a hydrogen iceberg. Among other mysteries, that would help solve the question of how it was able to power itself through such distant space, since pure hydrogen gas would have been able to push it like a rocket. That explanation was useful to the scientists who have spent years puzzled by Oumuamua, after it was first spotted travelling nearly 200,000mph through our solar system in 2017. It sped up as it went on its journey, without any clear explanation, and seemed to behave somewhere between an asteroid and a comet, though it didn't fit either category and it remains mysterious where it has come from. But a new paper from researchers at Harvard and the Korea Astronomy and Space Sc

Fortnight removed from Google Play Store and Apple App Store: Know Why? - Technology News

Apple and Google on Thursday removed Epic Games’ Fortnite from the App Store and Google Play Store for launching a direct payment plan that bypasses Google and Apple. For the unversed, the Epic Games recently launched a direct payment plan that gives the option to users to pay directly to Epic for Fornite’s in-app purchases whereas Apple and Google both take a 30 percent share from the in-app revenues in games. Epic Games on Thursday rolled out a new update for Fortnite that would let users say directly to the developer for Fortnite’s in-app purchases. However, this violated Apple’s longstanding policy that apps must make billing possible only through Apple and pay the company 30 percent of the total revenue earned. Apple was the first to kick the game out of the App Store followed by Google. Reacting to the same, Apple said in a statement, “Epic enabled a feature in its app which was not reviewed or approved by Apple, and they did so with the express intent of violating the App Store